Aphrodite Groups are springing up all over!
What is an Aphrodite Group, you wonder? It's a combination salon, book group, afternoon tea and pajama party. It's an easy way to add a little passion, laughter, expansion and meaning to your daily life. It's cheaper than a spa weekend, more fun than Disneyland (although one could argue that just about anything is), and a great way to connect with your fellow travelers.
Typical gatherings are composed of 8 - 12 women (and men) who want to engage in a lively conversation about current issues in their lives: relationships, creative pursuits, children, parents, work, womanhood, meaning, calls to adventure, paths with heart ... the list goes on.
Feel free to use the following questions with your existing book group or as an excuse to start a juicy conversation with friends met and unmet.
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Discussion Questions
1. In this book, the author talks about a “call to adventure” in midlife,
prompting her to make significant life changes. How would you live
your life if you knew you had one year left? Five years left? Ten? Given
that you don’t know whether you have five minutes or fifty years left,
how is that different from how you currently live your life?
2. In the beginning of the book, the author meets someone who changes
her life. Who in your life challenges you to change or grow? Does what
someone stands for, or how they live their life, sometimes force you to
look at your own life in a different way?
3. In “Love Before First Sight,” the author describes online romances.
Have you ever flirted with someone via email? Were you more (or less)
honest with that person because of the safety of email? If you wrote
before you met in person, how did “reality” differ from what you had
4. Describe the “ideal” you, in terms of physical appearance. To what
lengths would you go to get to that ideal? What benefit(s) would you
get by looking like that? Would it be worth it?
5. In “The Delicate Art of Lying” the author talks about lying by being
honest. Do you consider omitting part of the truth a true lie? Can you
tell when someone is lying to you? How? Do you want your partner to
be really honest with you, even if it would hurt your feelings?
6. What is your checklist in looking for a potential mate? Of the good
relationships you’ve had in your life, how many matched up to that
checklist? Do you think what you want and what you need are two
different things?
7. The media implies that younger bodies are attractive and more beautiful
than older ones. However, in “The Aphrodite Phase” the author
describes an increased comfort, freedom and acceptance as she grows
older. Where does beauty and attractiveness come from? Does it come
from physical attributes or mental attitude? Were you happier in your
skin when you were younger? Or have you grown more comfortable as
you’ve aged?
8. The title “Aphrodite in Jeans’ refers to a contemporary, down-to-earth
version of the Greek goddess of love and sexuality. If Aphrodite were
your roommate, what would you want to ask her? What would she
teach you about yourself? How would she challenge you to live?